Sunset studies II
I have spent the last month or so, in between commission works, finalizing my second small batch of sunset studies. These watercolor pieces on handmade deckle edged paper capture the inspiration of some of my favorite sunset sermons over the course of this past season of life.
A little background on these works…Almost six years ago or so I started making the time and literally chasing sunsets every evening (and sunrises most mornings too), collecting them in my memories. Taking invisible snapshots to hold onto in my heart. My mom was diagnosed with stage four cancer around that time and I was also caught in a personal season of turbulence and change and was drowning in a mixture of anxiety fueled by a hustle and bustle lifestyle and, after reevaluating most everything in my life from my pace to my priorities, watching the sun set every day I am able to became a new non negotiable for me. It was a way to take back control of the out of control and spend some intentional time daily in calmness, in gratitude, in reflection. They center me, ground me, re-set me, wash peace over me like a 15 minute sermon. God meets me there right where I am. I will literally take off running at this point to catch it mid conversation or mid to-do. Seriously though, ask my husband how many times he’s been left mid bite at the dinner table when I catch a peek of some pink clouds on the horizon through the window. They are all different and you never know what you’re going to get, which is half the excitement. Usually the cloudiest gray days bring forth the most colorful ones, and I’m sure there is a lesson in that. Some are brilliant, some barely blush, all are beautiful. Some of my very favorite ones are from my family’s beach place at, ironically, Sunset Beach. Not only do they come with treasured family memories attached but there is a wide horizon line view over the marsh there that provides a beautifully clear and uninterrupted view (or you can also see it over the ocean depending on the time of year) that I can’t find elsewhere. The rest, I squeeze in between whatever opening in the trees I can find at home or in a parking lot wherever I may be. I have hundreds of photos saved on my phone of them all.
These works seek to capture the beauty in those treasured moments in hopes of sharing that same glimmer of solitude. Each is unique but are approximately 5.5” x 8” in size. They will be made available on my website on Monday, November 29th at 11am and will be my last collection release for 2021.
I have a lot more up my sleeve for the new year and am excited to share these with you soon!
For those that subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of my home page here, I will be emailing out a preview of this collection and early access code to log in and shop starting at 9am on the 29th.
Here are some treasured photos of some of these moments over the course of the past few months, and my inspiration behind them all, my mom.